Holiday hot-line answers turkey questions

November 5, 1981

To take the anxiety out of cooking the holiday turkey, a toll-free Turkey Talk-Line will be available to answer consumer questions from Monday, November 2 through Thursday December 31, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Manning the Turkey Talk-Line will be trained home economists at Swift & Company's Consumer Services Kitchens in Oak Brook, Ill. Not a recording, the line will operate on a one-to-one basis.

The home economists will be prepared to answer all kinds of related questions regarding the selecting, stuffing, cooking or serving of turkey.

The number to call in the continental United States, except Illinois, is 800- 323-4848. In Illinois, 800-942-3584.

According to Nancy Rodriguez, Swift's Manager of Consumer Services and director of the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line, ''The main reason turkeys do not turn out perfectly is because people think they still have to do all the things their mothers and grandmothers had to do -- basting, trussing, cooking the bird all day.

Mrs. Rodriguez encourages cooks to read the roasting charts that come with the turkey. She says when a turkey is tough and dry it has been roasted too long.

The Talk-Line will be prepared to answer such questions as what size turkey to buy, the length of time needed to thaw a bird in the refrigerator and how to cook a turkey in the microwave oven or with foil.

For help in roasting a beautiful turkey, Swift has prepared a card listing ''Ten Tips for Top Turkey.'' The card can be obtained free by calling the Turkey Talk-Line or sending a postcard to Butterball-Ten Tips, P.O. Box l320, Arlington Heights, Il. 60006.