Washington hot line for business
US business is gaining a new hot line to what's going on in the Washington world of business litigation, regulatory changes, and legislation, plus the chance to do some grass-roots lobbying of its own over the airwaves, thanks to satellite technology and closed-circuit TV.Monitor correspondent Lucia Mouat reports that the ''BizNet'' program of the Chamber of Commerce of the US is slated to start broadcasting in April from a new multimillion-dollar telecommunications center in Washington. Seminars and management information as well the capability of talking with business leaders and political representatives in Washington are also part of the subscription package. The whole idea is for the American business community to feel closer to, and more up to date on, what happens in Washington and to make sure the voice of even the smallest businesses on major public policy issues is heard quickly and clearly.Though the chamber is energetically rounding up subscribers from its 200 ,000-member ranks, the cost -- $500 a month or $5,000 a year is the basic service fee - - may keep some smaller companies from tuning in at all.