Coupon clipping from the Yellow Pages

March 23, 1982

Fingers that go walking through the Yellow Pages are getting a new chore -- clipping coupons.

Pacific Telephone has already inserted one-size discount coupons for commercial advertisers in its Fremont-Hayward Bell System Yellow Pages. Now it is taking orders for its trademarked Gold Pages Coupons in other local editions. For the forthcoming San Francisco edition (deadline May 27) these multicolored, two-by-four-inch coupons will cost advertisers $180.50 a month on a 12-month contract. And every copy of the San Francisco directory will carry the inserts. Placed at the rear of the directory, the 10-to-a-page coupons will be grouped together in a noncategory section.

Successful pilot experiments conducted in other parts of the US, Pacific Telephone representatives say, are the basis for the new type of telephone classified directory promotion. Gold Pages publicity says coupon distribution as a sales tool has increased 149 percent since 1975. The testing also showed that today 75 percent of all retail shoppers use coupons four times a year or more.

Initial Gold Pages advertisers in general are offering discounts on services or goods, usually within a specific time span. California firms include restaurants, contractors, service stations, and a variety of small shops. Pacific Telephone management expects most of its regional Yellow Page editions will eventually offer the new sales-building service.