Paintings by Jack Tworkov
New York
On view at the Guggenheim Museum is a truly beautiful exhibition of Jack Tworkov's paintings of the past 15 years. The show is subtle, delicate, and extremely sophisticated.
But then, Tworkov is a consummate professional and an exquisite painter, who has graced the American art scene from the late 1920s to the present. Although employed in the easel division of the WPA Federal Art Project during the middle-to-late 1930s, he became interested in abstraction in the early 1940s and by the '50s had acquired a national reputation as an abstract expressionist.
These recent works at the Guggenheim are among the finest American paintings anyone has produced during the past 15 years. They are subtly geometric in form, delicately muted in color, and extraordinarily lyrical in tone and mood.
The Tworkov exhibition will remain at the Guggenheim through June 20.