Social security coverage continues

June 9, 1982

From 1937 to 1965, I worked in several jobs covered by social security. For 10 of those years, I was a university professor. I am still a professor (at a different university) but not covered by social security. Will it be possible for me to claim social security in a few years when I will be 65 -- even though I continued to work and am not now covered by the system? J. V.

You will probably be able to claim at least partial benefits, depending on a number of things. These include the number of quarter-years you worked in social security-covered jobs and whether you met the minimum salary requirements for making full contributions to the program. In the early days of social security, the minimum monthly salary was $50; now it is $340.

If you are interested in knowing how much you've contributed to the fund and how much your benefits will be when you retire, you should make a ''request for social security statement of earnings.'' Send your name (including a different one, like a maiden name, that may have been used on a social security card), address, social security number, birth date, and signature to Social Security Administration, PO Box 57, Baltimore, Md. 21203.

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