School boards; Run for office and win

January 28, 1983

Thinking of being a candidate for your local school board? The National Committee for Citizens in Education (NCCE) has just published ''How to Run a School Board Campaign - and Win.'' The book, written by Cipora Schwartz, is intended to help citizens in all parts of the country participate in a successful school board campaign.

The author has been a campaign manager for five successful school board candidates and a consultant to many others. She stresses that it takes more than a commitment to public schools to win a seat on the local board. ''The campaign must be tightly coordinated and firmly directed, with each participant clearly aware of his or her role and prepared to function as effectively as possible,'' Mrs. Schwartz says.

Even if you are not running for office yourself, but are interested in measuring the caliber of the candidates running in your school district by the campaign they run, this book should prove very helpful.

To order a copy, send $5.95 (plus $1 for postage and handling) to NCCE, 410 Wilde Lake Village Green, Columbia, Md. 21044.