Moscow expels unknown American vice-consul

April 25, 1983

A US vice-consul in Leningrad was caught spying and subsequently expelled from the country, said the Communist Party daily Pravda. But no man with the name given in the newspaper appears in recent diplomatic lists. Pravda named him as D. Shorer but gave no indication of when the incident occurred. It is the latest in a series of tit-for-tat expulsions of Soviets and their Western counterparts throughout the world. Last week, the US announced three Soviets were asked to leave (see Page 1). In Australia, Soviet diplomat Valery Ivanov called his expulsion, for spying, part of a worldwide anti-Soviet campaign. At least 62 Soviets in the West have been ordered out this year.

Italy, too, may be preparing to expel about 100 alleged Eastern European and Third World spies, the Italian press reported.