
December 22, 1983

Once someone said to me (in another world) "Oh look!m Just look!m" with such ardor and urgency that the world, for him, might have stopped short. But look where? Look at what? There was nothing in sight: nothing at all. And I felt my face stiffen to a blank and my wide gaze awkwardly shift from his. Now (today) I hear on the air the mounting urgency of my own voice. "But see!m Just seem --" For how stark the summons! How glaringly clear! And how blank the faces (in this charming room) that warily in embarrassment have drawn away. Im looked like that. Im drew away. And suddenly -- from across such tides of time -- I could weep! For someone (no longer here) who once, with his love, so tried to tell a still uncomprehending girl.