There is always a right answer

March 4, 1985

PROBABLY most people, when facing some crisis, have asked in despair, ``What will I do now?'' It's good to know that no matter how serious or hopeless a situation seems to be, there is always at hand a right answer. And the answer will be revealed as we devoutly turn to God with the confidence Moses expressed when he declared to his followers, ``Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.'' 1 In order to perceive the right answer, we must first know the source of all intelligence and wisdom -- Almighty God. A sincere effort to know Him better will lead to the needed answer. But we can't know Him merely superficially. We need an understanding that is deep and sincere, that acknowledges Him as omnipotent, omnipresent Mind, as divine, all-encompassing Spirit, as the one and only presence, governing all in limitless harmony. He is the sole cause and creator. As we call upon Him in confidence, we'll see the right steps to take in the situation needing attention.

This may not be easy. The arguments against gaining a right solution may appear formidable. But this doesn't make them true. Actually, all that is true emanates from God and always blesses man.

We need to guard against accepting the suggestions of the carnal mind, that bogus materialistic mentality, when it whispers, ``You know it's hopeless to expect a right answer.'' Instead we can draw upon our God-given ability to reason rightly, to express the intelligence of the one Mind, and to refuse to be victimized by the lies that would besiege us. As followers of Christ Jesus, we have the promise of his words ``In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.'' 2

Fear may try to creep in. We may be tempted to doubt our capacity to trust God steadfastly as we know we should. But this can be seen as an opportunity to prove we have the ability to put God first, regardless of the lies the carnal mind would try to impose on us.

But what do we do if the answer fails to appear? We don't give up. Still trusting God, we take a step that seems nearest right. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes: ``The good cannot lose their God, their help in times of trouble. If they mistake the divine command, they will recover it, countermand their order, retrace their steps, and reinstate His orders, more assured to press on safely.'' 3 Pressing on, we find that the right answer appears.

At one time when working as an engineer for a large company, I was offered a transfer to a subsidiary overseas. It was an enticing offer. The salary would be higher; I would have the excitement of being in a foreign country I had never before visited; I would gain much valuable experience; and the opportunities for advancement appeared excellent. Human reasoning shouted, Accept it!

But my study of Christian Science had taught me not to act in haste but to turn to God for His answer. I endeavored to do this. I tried to realize more clearly His presence, His infinite intelligence, which I reflected, His love for me, and His capacity to guide me and care for me. I also asked a Christian Science practitioner to support me through prayer. Then I listened, welcoming God's angels, His pure thoughts, to give me the right answer.

The answer came: decline the transfer. I accepted the answer without regret, feeling relieved and at peace. I was confident that divine intelligence was leading me.

And so it proved, as I continued to fill my regular position. Steady progress took place, and I found great joy in my work. In retrospect, my experience evidenced something of the priceless value of seeking divine guidance.

The right answer is always at hand. And so is God, to reveal it. 1 Deuteronomy 31:6. 2 John 16:33. 3 Miscellaneous Writings, p. 10.