S. Africa considers new interim rule in Namibia
South Africa appears poised to give the go-ahead to a new plan to establish a ``transitional government'' for Namibia following the announcement that its troops will be withdrawn completely from Angola before the end of the week. The announcement was seen by political analysts as a prelude to a statement in Parliament by President Pieter W. Botha of Pretoria's acceptance of the plan to largely substitute a ``transitional government'' in Namibia (South-West Africa) for rule by the South African - appointed administrator general.
The plan was presented to Mr. Botha in Cape Town last month by a delegation of the Multi-Party Conference (MPC), a group of internal political parties in Namibia. After the meeting with Mr. Botha, an MPC spokesman expressed confidence the plan would be accepted.
It has been rejected by ``radical'' parties in Namibia, including the Southwest Africa's People's Organization (SWAPO), as a bid to impose the ``will of an unrepresentative minority on the majority of Namibians.'' SWAPO is waging a guerrilla war for control of Namibia.
The MPC has been careful to present the plan as a means of breaking the deadlock in Namibia rather than undermining the internationally accepted United Nations peace plan, as outlined in UN resolution 435.
``We have no desire to undermine the plan on the table at the moment,'' Mr. Mose Katjiuongua, president of the ``moderate'' faction of the South West African National Union and a member of the MPC, said of resolution 435. ``We also want international recognition,'' for Namibia he added.
Mr. Botha is expected to make his announcement accepting the new plan during the budget debate Thursday or Friday. He, too, is certain to present it as reconcilable with 435.
The transitional government plan has been projected by its MPC drafters as a way of speeding up progress toward Namibian independence, and therefore toward resolution 435. The MPC plan envisages establishment of three new bodies: a constitutional council to devise a draft constitution for an independent Namibia, a 62-member legislative assembly, and an eight-member council.
In terms of 435 the task of drafting a constitution for an independent Namibia would be delegated to a constitutent assembly elected in UN-supervised elections.
The United States, has repeatedly stressed its commitment to 435.
The US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Dr. Chester Crocker, did so again last month.