PEACE 2010
Last September The Christian Science Monitor invited its readers to enter a contest -- Peace 2010. The invitation was to write an essay from the point of view of someone in the year 2010, telling how a lasting peace had been established among the nations of the world. By looking back from the year 2010, we hoped to show how a better world could evolve from a succession of events, not from a single conference. We also hoped to aid that process by engaging the thinking of intelligent persons on the side of a positive process. We chose four eminent outside judges to pick the three winners, whose essays ran the first three days this week on this page. They chose essays which, from their point of view, are both realistic and at least partially feasible scenarios for peace. Yesterday we published additional articles, along with excerpts from essays that further round out the approaches to peace most often suggested by the entrants. Today we offer more of these.