Knowing that God exists
``BUT how do I know there is a God?'' Despite my own deep conviction of the existence and constant presence of God, I too had asked that question. So I wondered how I could answer it when asked by a friend who did not share my conviction. When the question came, I realized the answer was in the life and works of Christ Jesus, and in the discipleship of his followers today. Jesus had expressed a love that left healing and regeneration in its wake. In one brief narrative in the Gospel of Matthew1 we read that Jesus healed a man who had been paralyzed, restored to life a dear daughter declared dead, freed a woman afflicted many years with a hemorrhage, gave sight to two who were blind, and the ability to speak to one who had been dumb. A love that could bring such healing could not have been of human origin. Surely we too have loved and have longed for healing for those dear to us. Yet human love is not of itself sufficient to bring about such healing--to meet the imperative needs of mankind. The love that restores and regenerates is divine. Jesus expressed the love of God in healing the multitudes. So those whom he healed were actually experiencing the influence of God's presence! God's presence is being felt today as well. Contemporary followers of Jesus are acquiring an understanding trust in God's munificent love for His children. Consequently they are being healed of the discords apparently inherent in the human condition. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy2 writes of Jesus: ``His purpose in healing was not alone to restore health, but to demonstrate his divine Principle. He was inspired by God, by Truth and Love, in all that he said and did.'' 3 Today, as in Jesus' day, healing not only restores harmony but clearly demonstrates God's loving presence. As I shared these ideas with my friend, I realized he might be unaware of having felt God's presence firsthand. But at the time of our visit together he was endeavoring to assist an acquaintance of his who was faced with some severe challenges. So I asked him to consider what was inspiring his unselfish concern for another. When we're impelled by an interest in the welfare and happiness of another, rather than by concern for self and personal gain, we are being inspired by God, divine Love. We are feel ing, and subsequently expressing, something of His love. As in our hearts the bud of human kindness blossoms more fully into spiritual love, we radiate God's love. We experience and express His healing presence. And those who are touched by this love are touched in such a way that they too can feel God's presence and be healed. ``God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.'' 4 If we wish to be more conscious of God's loving presence, let's endeavor to understand and express more of His loving nature. The more faithfully we express divine Love, the more we and those around us experience the healing that attests to His presence. Then we can answer with a demonstrated conviction the question ``How do I know there is a God?'' Our very lives will affirm our answer! 1 See Matthew, chapter 9. 2 The Discoverer of Christian Science and founder of this newspaper. 3 Science and Health, p. 51. 4 I John 4:16.{et