Letters to the Editor. Shaping China's future

November 18, 1985

Prof. Peter Fong's article, ``A proposal for unifying China'' (Oct. 29), is more idealistic rather than practical. His ideas for unifying China might apply to the regimes which have no ideological differences and have long been separated by foreign powers, such as East and West Germany or North and South Korea. The situation that exists today between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was a result of the conflict between the Comintern and Chinese Nationalists. In other words, it is a proxy war of ideology between communism and capitalism. Therefore, so long as communism exists in China, there will be no way of unifying China.

As far as the so-called ``one nation, two systems'' is concerned, it is still in doubt that China will honor the agreement signed with Britain in September 1984, about Hong Kong's political future after its returning to Chinese rule in 1997. As Patrick Smith wrote in his article, ``China showing signs it may limit Hong Kong's freedom after 1997'' (Oct. 31), there are signs that China will not tolerate genuine self-rule for Hong Kong after 1997 even though it is stipulated in agreement. In this regard, T aiwan certainly by no means will trust whatever China has offered in terms of the unification. For the best interest of the United States and world peace, ``let Taiwan be Taiwan'' is the best policy. Jimmy Lin Milton, Mass.

It is far too premature for your writer to assert that the current difficulty within one of the two non-Communist factions in the Cambodian resistance coalition ``dashes the hopes of its Western supporters'' [``Two old enemies fight Cambodian war,'' Oct. 23]. The last Vietnamese military offensive against the resistance groups to bolster its six-year occupation of Cambodia resulted in great strains within the Khmer People's National Liberation Front. But the writer fails to mention that the Armee Nationaliste Sihanoukiste withstood and recovered from the attack. This favorably impressed Thai and Western observers. Last spring 388 US senators and representatives demonstrated their desire for a free Cambodia by voting aid for the two non-Communist resistance g roups. As long as there are Cambodians willing to oppose Vietnam's colonial subjugation of Cambodia, there is still hope. Richard D. Fisher Jr. Asian Studies Center Policy Analyst Washington

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