Shuttle missions originally planned for the rest of 1986
Date Orbiter Duration Payload March 6 Columbia 7 days Astro-1 ultraviolet astronomy telescope and a communications satellite May 15 Challenger 2 days Ulysses ``solar-polar'' probe for the European Space Agency May 20 Atlantis 2 days Galileo probe to Jupiter June 24 Columbia 7 days Pharmaceutical-manufacturing experiment and three communications satellites July 15 Discovery Classified DOD payload, first launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base July 26 Challenger 7 days Pharmaceutical-manufacturing experiments and tracking and data relay satellite Aug. 20 Atlantis 7 days Environmental observation mission to study solar radiation Sept. 4 Columbia Classified DOD payload, launched from Kennedy Space Center Sept. 27 Challenger 7 days Material science laboratory, two communications satellites, journalist in space Oct. 30 Atlantis 3 days Hubble Space Telescope Nov. 6 Columbia 7 days DOD payload and one communications satellite Dec. 6 Challenger Classified DOD payload, launched from Kennedy Space Center