Christian politics?
Columnist Godfrey Sperling's description of Pat Robertson as having the potential for divisiveness was most apt [``Pat Robertson's politics of the religious pulpit,'' Sept. 30]. The so-called ``religious right'' threatens to create a rift which is more than just political, however. Fundamentalist politicians would have us believe in a new test of Christianity which finds the ``true'' Christian as one who espouses and tolerates only the most conservative political views while regarding others as anathema. There is tremendous potential for good when religious leaders seek to make us mindful of moral and ethical considerations in political life. But the Rev. Mr. Robertson and many like him seem to spend most of their time attacking those with whom they disagree rather than in seeking workable solutions to America's problems. Albert L. Moore Greensburg, Ind.
I am amazed that all Christians are not supporting Pat wholeheartedly. He is certainly qualified by education and travel, and is knowledgeable in economics and national and international affairs. I cannot see how a man who seeks God's guidance could make anyone feel threatened or not represented. There is only one God, and this man walks close to Him every day. Daily prayer for our nation and for the world is the duty and privilege of every Christian, and Pat Robertson sets a good example. Dorothy L. Giddings Petoskey, Mich.
Born long before George Washington, Roger Williams was, in my view, the ``father of his country.'' [``Our neglected man of the hour: Roger Williams,'' Sept. 26]. How strange that this great man is either forgotten or damned by faint praise as the ``apostle of religious liberty.'' That he was, but much more. In 1636 he was already preaching and practicing most of the civil, religious, and political rights later set forth in the Constitution's Bill of Rights. He abhorred religious or other qualifications for citizenship. He welcomed people of all races and religions to his new Providence -- atheists, Jews, Hindus, and others. All should honor his name and accomplishments, study his writings, and seek to practice the democracy he first created in the New World. Frank L. Hutchison Las Cruces, N.M.
Roger Williams has not been neglected by Baptists, defenders of the First Amendment, religious liberty, and separation of church and state. Williams was America's foremost Baptist, and founded America's first Baptist Church in Providence, R.I. Victor Tupitza Burket, Va.