Where Does American Business Invest Abroad?
August 2, 1989
(US direct investment position (plant and equipment) at end of 1988 (Total and selected countries - millions of dollars) Total $326,900 Canada 61,244 Britain 47,991 West Germany 21,673 Switzerland 18,672 Japan 16,868 Netherlands 15,367 Australia 13,058 France 12,495 Brazil 11,810 Italy 9,075 Panama 6,140 Mexico 5,516 Hong Kong 5,028 Indonesia 3,006 Singapore 3,005 Colombia 2,429 Argentina 2,390 Venezuela 2,273 Saudia Arabia 2,047 Egypt 1,705 Taiwan 1,546 Malaysia 1,363 Nigeria 1,342 Philippines 1,305 South Korea 1,302 South Africa 1,270 Thailand 1,126 India 457