July 13, 1990

The National Commission on Children lists these themes and issues as ones that may form the basis for its final recommendations next year:

Poverty. More than any other factor, poverty puts children at risk of a range of long-term problems, from poor health to involvement with illegal drugs.

Health care. Limited access remains a problem for millions of children and pregnant women.

School readiness. Too many children are entering school unprepared to learn. Drugs. Drug use (including alcohol) by parents and drug-related crime are as much a threat to children's health and well-being as the use of drugs by children themselves.

Reorienting services. Fragmented systems of organizing, delivering, and funding health and social services makes it difficult for families to receive timely assistance.

Parental roles. The country is not doing enough to ensure that adults give children the time and attention they need for a good start in life.