The Gulf: After the War. Iraq

March 6, 1991

IRAQ emerges from the war militarily and politically humiliated, with its economy and infrastructure in ruins, and a question-mark over the future of Saddam's regime. When hostilities ceased, 40 of 42 Iraqi Army divisions deployed in Kuwait and southern Iraq were deemed destroyed. With nuclear and chemical warfare capabilities also decimated, Iraq is shorn of most of its offensive capability and greatly reduced as a military power. Final figures may never be known, but half the 500,000 Iraqi troops may have been killed, wounded, or captured.

Baghdad's political capitulation was as abrupt as the military collapse. To get a cease-fire, it had to agree to comply with all 12 UN resolutions, including a commitment to pay war reparations.

Whether or not the catastrophe unseats Saddam, the regime will face mounting pressure, not least from economic sources. With much of its industrial base destroyed and an embargo still in force, Iraq will be unable to export oil to pay for reconstruction.