News Currents

May 23, 1991

AFRICA Rebels in Ethiopia said yesterday they had fought their way to within 32 miles of the capital, Addis Ababa, a sign the flight of military strongman Mengistu Haile Mariam into exile would not stop their advance. Diplomats in Addis Ababa said they believed the rebels could now advance on the capital virtually unhindered, since the Army has collapsed (Story, Page 4) .... The entire leadership of the African National Congress embarked on a 24-hour fast yesterday in support of hunger-striking political priso n

ers in South Africa.... One week after receiving a six-year prison term for kidnapping, bailed Winnie Mandela was arrested yesterday in a street protest in Johannesburg. The wife of ANC Deputy President Nelson Mandela was arrested for taking part in an ANC Women's League bid to obstruct morning rush-hour traffic.


The Senate voted Tuesday to prohibit senators from taking speaking fees - despite warnings that some would quit or not run again - and to put a tight limit on all outside income, including stocks, bonds, and other investments. But the measure was attached to a campaign finance-reform bill that may not pass.... Work to replace one of the shuttle Columbia's flight computers, nine suspect fuel-line sensors, and a critical electronic unit will delay the ship's launch on a medical research flight at least 10

days, to June 1, NASA officials say.... In Denver, two black candidates won spots in a mayoral runoff election in a city that has never had a black mayor.


UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar made a strong appeal Tuesday to all parties in the Afghanistan war to begin a dialogue. He indicated he had received some encouraging signals from the combatants.... US Vice President Dan Quayle yesterday warned in Singapore that failure to resolve the flagging world trade talks will condemn poorer nations to poverty and result in blocs dedicated to protectionism. He told delegates from 19 countries attending the Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference that a

successful conclusion to the Uruguay Round under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was the top US trade priority. Quayle will go to India to represent the US at memorial services for former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.


Pablo Escobar, Colombia's most-wanted drug lord, has pledged to surrender to authorities in 15 days, a prominent Roman Catholic priest said.... Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari fired the nation's top law enforcement officer in a move widely viewed as an attempt to end corruption and human rights abuses. Enrique Alvarez del Castillo was replaced Tuesday as federal attorney general by Mexico City Attorney General Ignacio Morales Lechuga.