Damming the American River
Regarding the article "A Long Battle to Dam a River Hits the Rapids," Aug. 5: The American River Coalition suggests that one solution to the Sacramento, Calif., flood-control problem is the re-operation of the Folsom Reservoir, an existing facility downstream of the proposed Auburn Dam. Re-operation would increase flood control storage space, thus reducing the need for additional storage upstream.The re-operation of Folsom Reservoir would cause significant environmental impacts. First, a reduction in reservoir levels would have a negative impact on reservoir recreation and recreation in the lower American River. Second, a reduction in reservoir levels would reduce the available pool of cold water that could be released to assist the migration and spawning of anadromous fisheries in the lower American River. Finally, a reduction in reservoir levels would reduce the water and power resources availa ble from the current operation of Folsom Reservoir. The only way to improve existing conditions in the lower American River without reducing the recreation, power, and water-supply benefits of the existing Folsom Reservoir is to construct a multipurpose Auburn Dam. Robert J. Reeb, Placerville, Calif., Executive Director, American River Authority
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