Fresh air, hold the burger

September 18, 1991

I am deeply disturbed by the irresponsible article "Cookouts and Clean Air," Aug. 28, which cites an Oregon State University report that "meat cooking operations are a major source of organic aerosol emissions in the urban atmosphere," which in Los Angeles "beats the contributions of more obvious sources such as ... motor-vehicle exhausts."Yet the author inexplicably urges apathy and inaction to this problem and its resolution. After outlining the evidence which proves meat grilling to be a serious pollutant, he dismisses it with a simple "So throw another burger on the grill." It is through such apathy that our environment has been brought to its current state of emergency. The meat industry is exceptionally notorious for its transgressions against the environment. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that a large number of environmental activists are vegetarians. It could have done no harm for the author to suggest such an alternative to the barbecue grill. Sean A. Whelan, Augsburg, Germany

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