Lack of Service From the Postal Service
The author of the opinion-page article, "Let's Put 'Service' Back in Postal Service," Nov. 12, writes well about his concern for better service from the United States Postal Service. Here's another problem: In our town of 1,200 we are not provided home delivery. We must go to the post office and pick up our mail.We compensate the Postal Service for their lack of service by paying rent on our box at the post office. There is still free delivery in cities and rural areas, but no free delivery in this small town. Is it right that we have to pay for this deficiency? Earl H. Byleen, Stromsburg, Neb.
Family structures Thank you for the column "Balancing Work With the Rest of Life," Nov. 12. I appreciate the voicing of human situations that often go unnoticed. I am a single father with one daughter in my custody. Today there are many single parents of both sexes, all of whom need society's attention, not sympathy. The old ideal of a perfect family defined by the number of parents, children, incomes, and possessions is superficial. The hours we work and the money we earn can never do for society what families can, and do, accomplish. Gordon Haymon, Middletown, R.I.
Moviegoers beware The editorial "Alcoholic Ads," Nov. 14, regarding the propaganda tactics of the alcoholic-beverage industry, reminds me of another powerful and insidious destroyer of youth: smoking. Recently, smoking in commercial filmmaking has increased. In the last several films I have seen, the leading characters have been puffing away like smokestacks. When millions of dollars and thousands of lives are lost due to the effects of tobacco, a powerful instrument such as film should not be used to influence the public negatively. Jean Smith, Raleigh, N.C. Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.