News Currents

May 18, 1992


Kurds arrived at polling stations in Salahuddin, Iraq, Sunday morning expecting to cast their first free ballot, only to find the election postponed for two days because of a problem with the ink to be used to mark voters' wrists. The election has been rescheduled for Tuesday.... The future of Lebanon's new Syrian-backed government was thrown into immediate doubt Saturday when one hard-line Christian leader refused to serve and another said he would think about it. Samir Geagea, head of the Christian Leb anese Forces group, said he was resigning only three hours after Prime Minister Rashid al-Solh named his 24-member administration. UNITED STATES

A Time magazine-CNN poll released Saturday showed undeclared independent presidential candidate Ross Perot leading President Bush and Democratic front-runner Bill Clinton, the first such opinion survey to put Perot ahead.... Iran-contra special proscutor Lawrence Walsh has notified former defense secretary Casper Weinberger's lawyers that he could face felony indictments unless he agrees to provide notes that, according to prosecutors, suggest President Reagan had advance knowledge of a 1985 sale of Hawk

missiles by Isreal to Iran, according to yesterday's Washington Post. EUROPE

Britain is losing its ancient woodlands faster than the rainforest is being felled in Brazil, a newspaper, the Observer, reported Sunday. Unpublished figures from the government's wildlife advisers show that 45 percent of Britain's richest woods have been destroyed or damaged in the last 50 years.