Croatia's Role in Bosnia-Herzegovina

July 27, 1992

Your editorial, "Croatia's Sellout," July 10, seemed to have been prompted more by your desire for evenhandedness than by the desire to objectively analyze the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Unlike Serbia, Croatia recognized the sovereignty, independence, and inviolability of Bosnia-Herzegovina. In contrast to Serbian Army offensive actions in Bosnia, Croat troops are conducting defensive actions. The Bosnian government has repeatedly asked for international help.

Consequently, the republic of Croatia has lent support to refugees in Croatia. Does anybody expect Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina to preach pacifism - only to be routed and slaughtered, and later to be bewailed by vicarious United Nations world-improvers? Last year, when the Yugoslav Army attacked Croatia, Croats learned that the best way their new state can obtain recognition and deal with the aggressor is through military resistance.

The decision by the Croats in Herzegovina to set up their own administrative region within Herzegovina must be put in perspective. This decision by no means suggests that Croats are carving up Bosnian territory.

There has been no "secret" deal between Serbia and Croatia - as Serbian continuous shelling of Croat towns both in Herzegovina and Croatia demonstrates. By contrast, not a single town in Serbia has so far been attacked by Croat troops. Tomislav Sunic, Ph.D., Huntingdon, Pa., Professor of Political Science, Juniata College

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