Action on population issues

July 28, 1992

We applaud your coverage of world population issues in the special section "World Population," July 8. We urge all readers who agree that stabilization of human population is necessary to successfully address poverty and environmental degradation, to take some action.

One such action is contacting members of Congress and President George Bush to urge inclusion of $650 million in the 1993 foreign aid appropriations for population-related activities. This would be consistent with the United Nations Amsterdam Declaration of 1989. The declaration says that developed nations should increase their funding of international family-planning programs, which provide health exams and contraceptives.

Worldwide demand for birth control could be met if developed countries committed 4 percent of their foreign-aid budgets to family-planning services. Darlene & Samuel Chirman Davis, Calif.

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.