Speaking on Behalf of the Republic of Macedonia

December 15, 1992

Thank you for the insightful article, "World Pressure Mounts to Recognize Macedonia," Dec. 1. Although the Republic of Macedonia is the only former Yugoslav Republic to have achieved independence peacefully, democratically, and by meeting the criteria for international recognition set forth by the European Community, recognition has still eluded it.

The United States and the Economic Community leaders have largely ignored the explosive situation in Macedonia. However, articles such as this one put additional pressure on world leaders.

The author is correct in assessing the possibility of spillover of the war. If the Republic of Macedonia is not recognized immediately and economic assistance is not provided, it will erupt into a war that will ignite the entire Balkan Region, drawing in several international actors, possibly including the US. Some state that recognition did not prevent the war from spreading to Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the US and EC countries recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina after the outbreak of war in Bosnia.

I would like to make a correction. The ethnic Albanians in Macedonia comprise 21 percent of the population in Macedonia, according to official government 1991 census documents. Hopefully, "world pressure" will push world leaders to recognize Macedonia. Ljubica Z. Acevska Washington US Representative of the Republic of Macedonia

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