Jordan Says He Dislikes Political Arena, Treats All Equally in Fiscal Plans for City
MAYOR Frank Jordan (D) of San Francisco talked with the Monitor last week about his tumultuous term in office. Excerpts follow:
On San Francisco politics:
"The political arena is not a pleasant one. It's a brutal game where perception is more important than reality. I don't like it at all. I fight it and resist it every day."
On political enemies:
"They seem to take openness and honesty for weakness but they shouldn't. I think the difference is that I never do what I think is politically right for me, I do what is best for the city and that is not understood. I don't care about political posturing."
On solving current budget problems:
"I've got a package that no one is going to like because it hits all sides equally - I'm laying people off, raising taxes, freezing salaries, reopening contract talks. A good politician tries to protect some constituency. I haven't done that."
On bad press:
"They seem to be more interested in what someone I fired said or some unsubstantiated tip that my wife is using my cellular phone. Why don't they follow me out into the neighborhoods where I'm producing the news? "