Dueling Constitutional Drafts in Russia

May 26, 1993


Executive power

* The president shall be the guarantor of the Constitution and of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

* The president of the Russian Federation may, under circumstances and in conformity with procedures stipulated by the present Constitution, the Federal Treaty, and federal constitutional law, introduce a state of emergency with immediate notification of the Federal Assembly.

* The President of the Russian Federation shall adopt decrees and issue orders.... The president of Russia shall have immunity.

Legislative power

* The Federal Assembly - parliament of the Russian Federation - shall be the supreme representative federal organ of Russia. The Federal Assembly shall consist of two chambers: the Council of the Federation and the State Duma. PARLIAMENT'S DRAFT

Legislative power

* The only representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Soviet ... The Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation shall consist of two chambers; the State Duma and the Federal Assembly.

* The Supreme Soviet shall, upon submission of presidential nominations, give its consent ... for the appointments of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and members of the government of the Russian Federation; The Supreme Soviet appoints judges of the Constitutional Court ... and appoints, or relieves from his post the Chairman of the Russian Central Bank.

Executive power

* The president of the Russian Federation is the head of state and supreme official of the Russian Federation. He shall represent the Russian Federation in all domestic and external relations.