Land Shortage Increases Conflict in Kenya
In the Cover Story ``Tribal Clashes in Kenya Continue,'' Sept. 27, multiparty politics was given as the main cause of the fighting for land. A more fundamental cause was suggested by a reference to some of ``the most pressing problems'' in 1963: ``population growth and landlessness.''
Since 1963, Kenya's land area has remained constant, while the population will double in 20 years. As the land area per person continues to decrease, it should not be surprising if the fighting for land continues. Steven Hill, Las Cruces, N.M. Constitutional peace
The recent flurry at the United Nations General Assembly caused by President Clinton (whose speech was printed in part as the Opinion page article ``Clinton: UN Must Adapt to Different World,'' Sept. 29), Japan's Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, Sept. 27, and Germany's Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel, Sept. 29, prompts a few questions.
Much domestic opposition exists in Japan and Germany to sending soldiers outside their borders in violation of their constitutions, even for UN peacekeeping operations. Why not encourage them to spend their fair share of resources for world peace in a multitude of nonviolent approaches to conflict resolution?
Might we think of Japan and Germany as conscientious objector nations whose constitutionally imposed principles the world ought to respect and seek to emulate? Charles Overby, Athens, Ohio