Congress Moves Closer to Dual Probe of Whitewater

March 24, 1994

PRESIDENT Clinton faces the troublesome prospect of televised Whitewater hearings in both houses of Congress.

The 408-to-15 House vote Tuesday, coupled with a unanimous Senate decision last week in favor of hearings, amounted to a retreat by majority Democrats.

Both chambers instructed their leaders to negotiate the appropriate time and place for hearings, leaving open the possibility that talks could fall apart. Less protection for sea mammals

THE House passed a compromise bill Tuesday that extends a law protecting marine mammals and establishes a new system governing the incidental killing of mammals by commercial fishermen.

The statute, due to expire March 31, was extended by voice vote. The House and Senate passed somewhat different measures, and the compromise version was written overnight before Tuesday's vote.

The 1972 law was designed to protect whales, dolphins, seals, sea otters, polar bears, and other mammals by imposing a moratorium on imports of the animals and related products. It also prohibited, with limited exceptions, the taking of marine mammals in United States waters. Taking is defined as hunting, killing, capturing, or harassing.

The compromise bill establishes a new system under which commercial fishermen may continue ``incidental takes'' of marine mammals in the course of their operations - provided the takes do not significantly affect the species' survival. However, the bill also would reduce incidental killings or serious injuries of the animals to minimal levels over seven years. As under current law, the intentional killing of marine mammals would be prohibited. Clinton speaks about his faith

PRESIDENT Clinton says he considers himself an ``honest, struggling'' Christian believer who could not function without his faith. In an interview aired Tuesday on ABC News, Clinton, a Southern Baptist, said his faith provides him ``a solace and a support in the face of all these problems I sometimes am not smart enough to solve.

``Only God knows the truth of a person's heart and the full facts of a person's life,'' he said. ``Not only what they have done but what they have not done.''

And who, he was asked, is Bill Clinton ``in his heart.''

``An honest, struggling believer, trying to grow every day, trying to learn more every day, never pretending to be anything other than I am,'' the president replied.