July 12, 1994

CLINTON BACKS BROADER GERMAN ROLE President Clinton, on his first official visit to Germany, vowed yesterday to work with Western European allies to help integrate ``Europe's other half'' as full economic and political partners. Mr. Clinton, in a joint news conference with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, also said he favors a more aggressive international role for Germany - the United States' most powerful ally in Europe - now that the nation has been reunified. Clinton also met with German President Roman Herzog. Clinton's two-day visit comes on his way home from a meeting in Naples of the world's seven major industrial nations and Russia. Clinton also was making up for not going to Germany on his trip to Europe in June to celebrate D-Day. PLO, Israelis resume talks

PLO-Israeli talks on expanding autonomy in the occupied West Bank opened yesterday in Cairo just hours after Israel closed the Gaza border, raising tensions in the self-rule area. Thousands of Palestinian workers were barred from entering Israel following a riot at the main crossing point Sunday. The Palestinian Liberation Organization delegation leader, Nabil Shaath, did not comment on the closure. But in Jerusalem, Israeli spokesman Uri Dromi admitted it could harm the atmosphere in Cairo. Typhoon lashes Taiwan

Typhoon Tim, downgraded to a tropical storm, swept toward southern China yesterday after leaving a trail of destruction in Taiwan. Police said four people were killed and 17 were missing. Several bridges were washed away, and landslides closed a number of highways, police reported. Tim packed winds of 116 miles per hour but had weakened to 71 miles per hour yesterday. Portrait stolen from Louvre

A fragile 17th-century pastel by French artist Robert Nanteuil was stolen from the Louvre during visiting hours Sunday. ``Portrait of Jean Dorieu,'' dating from 1660 and valued at about $93,000, was lifted out of its frame while the museum was open to the public. NAACP meets in Chicago

US blacks are fighting for something more basic than civil rights, NAACP chairman William F. Gibson said at the organization's 85th annual convention. ``We now have to address the issues of crime, drugs, education ... and housing - the fundamental survival questions that many people do not consider civil rights,'' Mr. Gibson said Sunday. The NAACP convention runs through Thursday in Chicago. Fire nearly under control

Firefighters in Colorado said they hoped to bring under control yesterday the fire that killed 14 of their comrades last week. The blaze, which charred more than 1,800 acres on Storm King Mountain, was surrounded by fire lines over the weekend. Meanwhile, a memorial service was held Sunday in nearby Glenwood Springs for the fallen firefighters. More than 3,500 people attended.