The Constitution v. Abortion
The editorial ``Uncivil Religion and a Doctor's Death,'' Aug. 11, was the most disturbing thing I've ever read in the Monitor.
I agree with the sentiment that assassination of abortion doctors is nothing but violent hypocrisy on the part of certain pro-life groups.
But then your newspaper sees fit to jump squarely into the worldly business of Roe v. Wade justification. This is more than disheartening. To gather that the US Constitution somehow guarantees the right to terminate a pregnancy, to destroy what any thinking person can at least agree is a developing human being, has to be the darkest hour in Supreme Court history.
Rape and incest victims aside, the right to choose, for men and women alike, exists at the point of conception. To try to avoid natural consequences through law instead of using law to strengthen a principled society would certainly be revolting to the framers of our Constitution. Scott Laningham, Boston
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