Degrees of Victory
October 24, 1994
``I've failed again,'' he says
of another project,
seemingly slipped away
like spoken promises
carried away by the wind.
Stevenson believed in his defeat
even while ``Treasure Island,''
``Kidnapped,'' and Jekyll and Hyde
were coming to life
beneath his pen.
``I've failed again,'' he says.
But I know he is certain
there are degrees of victory
like that of the man
who journeyed to the far end
of the world
for a glimpse of the rare,
elusive snow leopard.
And he said, although
he never saw it,
he came home satisfied,
knowing in his heart
that as he climbed
the farthest slippery reaches
of the sacred Crystal Mountain,
the snow leopard was always there,
hiding among the high rocks,
viewing him.