February 13, 1995

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin met Feb. 4-11, 1945, near the Black Sea in the Soviet Union. Code-named ''Argonaut,'' the Yalta Conference was President Roosevelt's last meeting with the other two. With victory in Europe fast-approaching, the Big Three agreed on the following:

*The war against Germany would be stepped up.

*After the war, the Allies would have no duty toward the German people except to provide minimum subsistence; the German military industry would be abolished or confiscated; major war criminals would be tried in an international court.

*Germany should make ''just'' reparations for damage caused.

*The Soviet Union would declare war on Japan within three months of Germany's surrender. In return, the USSR was promised the Kurile Islands and part of Sakhalin Island.

*The US, Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China would sponsor the San Francisco Conference to form the United Nations.

*The 1941 Atlantic Charter, expressing aims for peaceful governments, would be honored; liberated European countries would be supported in their efforts to hold free elections.

*The Lublin committee to determine Poland's government would include other Polish representatives; this provisional government would hold free elections to choose a successor government.

*The Yugoslav anti-Fascist Assembly of Liberation Government, led by Josip Broz Tito, would include 1941 Yugoslav parliament members who had not collaborated with the Axis powers.

*The foreign secretaries of the Big Three would consult with one another regularly.