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March 20, 1995

Culling of Alaskan Wolves Unnecessary

The article ''Alaskan Hunters Seek Return of Plan to Cull State Wolves,'' March 9, may have left readers with the impression that most of the opposition to the state's ill-considered program came from outside Alaska. From the very beginning the cry of voices within Alaska calling for cessation of the plan was loud and incessant.

Even many of former Gov. Walter Hickel's own conservative supporters called the aerial wolf kill plan unworkable. Ground-based killing proved to wipe out nearly as many caribou, moose, and foxes. Wolves and caribou lived in abundant balance for millennia before the Alaska Department of Fish and Game was formed. Presumably, they need little help to continue doing so; only to be left alone.

Tom Moffatt

Seward, Alaska

Alaska Representative, Friends of Animals

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