April 13, 1995

Contract Watch

The Republicans pledged that by the 100th day of the 104th Congress (today), the following legislation would be brought to the House floor for debate and a vote. In fact, it took only 93 days.

m=Going backward ,=Going forward r=No action .=Passed

Fiscal Responsibility Act

Balanced-budget amendment (HJR1) m Defeated in Senate.1

Line-item veto (HR2, S4, S14) , Passed both Houses. In conference.2

Taking Back Our Streets Act (HR3)

Truth in sentencing ,

Exclusionary rule exemptions (HR666) ,

Death-penalty provisions (HR729) ,

Increased prison construction (HR667) ,

Additional law enforcement (HR728) ,

Personal Responsibility Act (HR4)

Welfare spending cuts ,

Welfare to minor mothers stopped ,

AFDC for additional children denied ,

Welfare limited to two years ,

Welfare work requirements ,

Family Reinforcement Act (HR11)

Child-support enforcement ,

Tax incentives for adoption ,

Parental rights in education ,

Stronger child-pornography laws ,

Elderly dependent-care tax credit ,

American Dream Restoration Act (HR6)

$500 per-child tax credit ,

Marriage tax repealed ,

''American Dream IRA Accounts'' ,

National Security Revitalization Act (HR7)

Limit UN peacekeeping role ,

Stronger national defense ,

Senior Citizens Fairness Act (HR8)

Higher Social Security earning limit ,

Repeal 1993 SS benefits tax hike ,

Tax break for home care for elderly ,

Job Creation/Wage Enhancement Act

Small-business incentives ,

Capital-gains tax cut (HR9) ,

Larger depreciation deductions ,

Risk assessment/cost-benefit analysis ,

Stronger Regulatory Flexibility Act ,

Unfunded-mandate reform (S1) . Signed into law.

Common Sense Legal Reform Act (HR10)

''Loser pays'' laws (HR988) ,

Limits on punitive damages ,

Reform product-liability laws (HR956) ,

Citizen Legislature Act

Term limits (HJR2, HJR3, SJR21) m Failed in House: 227 for, 204 against.

(two-thirds majority required)

Note: Some bills have been subdivided and their numbers may have changed.

1 Senator Dole has promised second vote.

2 White House has voiced support.

3 Gives families earning under $60,000 a $5,000 tax credit if they adopt. Gives those who care for an elderly relative at home a $500 tax credit annually.

4 Married couples could get tax credit up to $145. Gives families with adjusted gross incomes under $200,000 a $500 tax credit for each child under 18.

5 House-Senate negotiators agreed on a $3.1 billion supplemental defense spending bill. Missile-defense plan defeated.

6 Cuts capital-gains tax from 35 percent to 25 percent. Paperwork Reduction Act sent to President Clinton for signature.