Candidate Dole
On Abortion...
Believes abortion should be illegal except when a mother's life is in danger or in cases of rape or incest.
On Welfare...
Would end federal welfare and job programs and give the money to states, letting them set eligibility and benefit levels. Would set five-year lifetime cap for each recipient. Single teen-age mothers would have to live at home and stay in school to receive benefits.
On Taxes...
Would make income tax ''flatter and fairer,'' pass constitutional amendment requiring 60 percent vote in Congress to raise income tax. Supports $500-per child tax credit.
On Immigration...
Favors cutting off benefits to illegal immigrants but not legal ones. Pushing English as official language. Would slow legal immigration.
On Affirmative Action...
Opposes race-based preferences by government. Helped campaign backers get affirmative-action contracts in past. Would encourage Justice Department to prosecute public- and private-sector discrimination.
On Balanced Budget...
Favors constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.
On Gun Control...
Would repeal ban on assault weapons. Favors allowing people to carry concealed firearms that are legally registered. Favors ''instant'' background check for gun purchasers.
On Term Limits...
Qualified support for 12-year limits for Senate; says House should set its own.
On the Environment...
Sponsored legislation that would have required the federal government to reimburse landowners whose property values fall as a result of regulation.
On Education...
Would abolish Education Department. Favors vouchers that would help parents pay for private, religious, or participating public schools of their choice. Says schools must teach Western tradition and US achievement.