Exploring Bows and Bubbles

March 5, 1996

ACTIVITIES the Science Lady suggests for learning more about rainbows:

Create a science notebook with drawings of rainbows or spectrums (all the different colors of light) showing the colors in their proper order.

Go on a Spectrum Scavenger Hunt. Find something that is each color of the spectrum. Collect the seven items in a bag or draw pictures of them in your notebook. Then put them in the same order as they appear in the spectrum.


3/4 cup Joy or Dawn brand dishwashing liquid

1 tablespoon glycerin

Fill a clean one-gallon plastic milk jug almost to the top with water. Add the dishwashing liquid and glycerin. Cap the jug and shake to mix.

r Based on the book 'Bubble Rainbows' by Ann Piening McMahon and Kimberly Ann Brake. To order 'Bubble Rainbows' with science kit, write or call: Curiosity Unlimited, 9648 Olive Blvd., #213, St. Louis, MO 63132. Tel: (314) 432-2221