Summer Olympics Venues

April 10, 1996

1896 Athens

1900 Paris

1904 St. Louis

1906 Athens * (2nd time)

1908 London

1912 Stockholm

1916 Berlin (canceled by World War I)

1920 Antwerp, Belgium

1924 Paris (2nd time)

1928 Amsterdam

1932 Los Angeles

1936 Berlin

1940 Tokyo/Helsinki (canceled, WWII) **

1944 London (canceled, WWII)

1948 London (2nd time)

1952 Helsinki

1956 Melbourne, Australia

1960 Rome

1964 Tokyo

1968 Mexico City

1972 Munich, Germany

1976 Montreal

1980 Moscow

1984 Los Angeles (2nd time)

1988 Seoul

1992 Barcelona, Spain

1996 Atlanta (July 19-Aug. 4)

2000 Sydney

* These first and only interim Olympic Games are not recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

** The Games were awarded to Tokyo but switched to Helsinki after the Japanese went to war. When Finland was invaded by the Soviet Union, the Olympics were canceled.