Monitor Writer Wins Overseas Press Award

April 29, 1996

David Rohde, a staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor whose reporting uncovered the massacre of thousands of civilians near Srebrenica, Bosnia, has won the award for best newspaper or wire service reporting from abroad from the Overseas Press Club.

Among the other winners of the 56th annual awards, presented April 25 in New York, were Susan Sach, Newsday, interpretation of foreign affairs; Anthony Suau, Time magazine, best photographic reporting; David Turnley, Black Star for Time, best photography in magazines or books.

Mindaugas Klilbis, the Associated Press, best photograph in newspapers and wire services; All Things Considered, National Public Radio, for best radio news or interpretation of foreign affairs; CBS News for best TV spot news reporting from abroad; ABC News for best TV interpretation or documentary; Time magazine for best magazine reporting from abroad; Jack Ohman, the Oregonian, best cartoons on foreign affairs.

The Wall Street Journal for business reporting. Laurie Garrett, Newsday, for best report showing a concern for the human condition; the Baltimore Sun, best reporting on human rights; and Michael Parfit, National Geographic, best reporting on international environmental issues. Walter Cronkite of CBS received the President's Award.