Anti-Semitism And the Russian Elections
Regarding the front-page article "How Reds Would Rule Russia," May 30: The Monitor's coverage of the impending Russian presidential elections shows the unpredictability of the future. But whoever wins, certain things are already clear.
Because of the deterioration of economic and social conditions and a rise in nationalism and xenophobia, Jews and other minorities better watch their step.
Historically, during times of economic and political instability in the region, scapegoating has become a way of life. And while there is no longer state-sanctioned anti-Semitism, acts of "unofficial" anti-Semitism occur on an almost daily basis.
For Jews to leave the former Soviet Union and be granted refugee status, the process can take more than two years. They must prove they have their parents' permission to depart (even if applicants are in their 60s); they must also provide countless documentation and arrange travel to and from the Moscow processing site, no matter how far or costly.
By late June, we'll know the outcome of the first round of the elections. But either way, for Jews and other minorities, the future's frighteningly clear. We in the United States must not be so blind as to think the story ends on June 17. It's just the beginning.
Norman D. Tilles
New York
President, The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
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