News In Brief

June 27, 1996


In a key sex-discrimination case, the Supreme Court ruled that the all-male Virginia Military Institute must admit women. The court ruled the state-supported college unconstitution- ally discriminates against women. The court also ruled that the Colorado Republican Party's freedom of expression was violated when it was cited for exceeding federal spending limits in the 1986 US Senate campaign. The decision gives political parties greater freedom to spend as much money as they want to promote congressional candidates.

President Clinton said he plans to make the fight against international terrorism his first priority at the Group of Seven meeting, which begins in Lyon, France, today.

White House security chief Craig Livingstone resigned his post during a House hearing on 400 improperly collected FBI files. He and former White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum testified they were unaware of the file requests. But they claimed responsibility for failing to adequately supervise low-level employees who gathered the files. Also, the Clinton administration gathered background information on some 300 national security aides, documents provided by a former White House aide to an investigating congressional panel show. Also, an FBI agent alleged three White House political appointees asked him to provide confidential background information on White House travel office employees, The Washington Post reported. And the White House created a complex database to track political and personal information on members of Congress, the media, campaign contributors, and others, The Washington Times said.

Clinton's support is virtually unchanged from nearly three weeks ago, a New York Times poll of 1,121 adults found. More than half said they were reserving judgment on the FBI files scandal. Clinton's job-approval rating stood at 53 percent, disapproval at 36 percent. When asked who they would vote for if the presidential election were held today, 54 percent said Clinton, 34 percent said Bob Dole.

The White House averted a contempt-of-Congress vote by providing 2,000 pages of subpoenaed travel office documents to some lawmakers. Clinton had refused to comply with the request, claiming executive privilege. But a House vote scheduled for today forced the issue.

Vice President Gore planned to announce broader environmental regulations on toxic pollution that will become final later this year. Electric utilities, incinerator operators, recyclers, and many mining companies will be required to disclose pollutants in their emissions. The House approved a bill requiring municipal water systems to mail annual reports to customers about contaminants found in drinking water.

A bill that sought to ban political action committee contribution to federal candidates remains in a decade-long deadlock after proponents failed to stop a filibuster in the Senate. The bill fell six votes short of the 60 needed. But a stalemate broke over the minimum-wage legislation: It's scheduled to return to the Senate floor July 8. Also, the Senate approved a measure that would give extra medical benefits to children born with birth defects that can be linked to a parent's exposure to chemical weapons in the Gulf war. And the House Appropriations Committee voted to ban all federal funding for research using human embryos.

Former Clinton administration CIA director James Woolsey was expected to endorse presidential hopeful Bob Dole. The endorsement was primarily for Dole's foreign-policy stances, Dole aides said.

FAA administrator David Hinson told the House Transportation Committee his agency was too slow to recognize the problem of rapidly growing airlines, such as ValuJet that contract out most of their work. He also confirmed plans to leave office by year's end.


A truck bomb demolished an eight-story American housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing at least 19 US citizens and injured more than 389 people. An FBI team was to join the investigation, and US Secretary of State Warren Christopher was to travel to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government is offering a $2.7 million reward for information on the attack - the second in a year on US citizens. No one claimed responsibility, but experts suspect a loosely allied group of Muslim militants who oppose US military presence in Saudi Arabia.

Guerrillas ambushed and killed three Israeli soldiers patrolling in the West Bank near the Jewish settlement of Naaran, Israel's Army radio said. Also, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would mobilize the world against Syria for serving as a base for "terrorism."

Voting went smoothly in South Africa's turbulent KwaZulu-Natal Province in local elections delayed twice because of violence. The vote is considered a barometer of two leading black parties' strength: the African National Congress and the Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party.

Seeking to reopen Israeli-Palestinian negotiations "at the highest levels," US Secretary of State Christopher held back-to-back meetings with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in Cairo. Israel's new government understands its obligations under previous agreements, Christopher told Arab leaders.

Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic gave unacceptable conditions for his resignation, the Belgrade news letter VIP reported. He said he will resign if the world guaranteed "respect for a minimum of statehood for the Bosnian Serb republic" and left the disputed town of Brcko in Serb hands. The international community has threatened to reimpose sanctions on Serbia and Bosnian Serbs if Karadzic does not resign by July 1. Also, US Assistant Secretary of State John Kornblum held meetings in Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia.

Latin America is calling for reinforcements in the war on drugs. Admitting failure in their attempts to stem the tide of illegal drugs, Latin American officials asked for help fighting drug traffickers at the start of a three-day UN conference on drugs.

A seismic survey of Kazakhstan's Caspian Sea continental shelf discovered estimated crude oil reserves of 70 billion barrels and 71 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, Kazakhstan said. If confirmed, its offshore oil reserves would easily exceed Russia's entire proven oil reserves.

Afghan guerrilla leader Gulbuddin Hakmatyar was sworn in as prime minister, despite rocket bombardments in Kabul by opposition Taleban militia.The attack killed at least 30 people and injured more than 100.

China's courts handed out harsh sentences to drug traffickers, marking anti-Drugs Day by convicting more than 1,700 and ordering the immediate execution of hundreds.

The US is impeding the immediate implementation of the oil-for-food deal Iraq signed with the UN in May, Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz said.

Burundi's government appealed for outside help to end ethnic killings at a six-day conference on the problem in Tanzania. More than 150,000 people have been killed since 1993 in the Tutsi-dominated Army's war on the Hutu majority.

US citizen Jane Schelly traveled to India to appeal to Kashmiri militants to free her husband, Donald Hutchings, and three other Westerners kidnapped more than a year ago. Negotiations between the government and the rebels, who are fighting for an independent state, broke down in November and the fate of the hostages is unknown.

"They were extraordinary ambassadors of peace."

- Gen. John Shalikashvili, on the men and women living in the bombed housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


When the meter runs in Don Hawkins's cab in Tampa, Fla., the miles translate into camp for needy children: He donates all fares to Florida Youth Ranches. About 40 boys and girls are going to camp this summer, courtesy of Hawkins's cab.

Mark Hansen, co-author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul," plans to use proceeds from his upcoming "Chicken Soup for the Country Soul" to plant 18 billion trees to help Earth's atmosphere.

A baby black rhino - the first to be born under the Rhinoceros Conservation Programme - debuts in Dubbo, Australia.


Memorable TV Moments

"TV Guide" chose the 100 most memorable moments on TV. Below are the top 10. Others include the Kennedy-Nixon debates and the opening credits to "The Andy Griffith Show."

1. Armstrong Walks on the Moon (July 20, 1969).

2. Lucy in the Candy Factory (Sept. 15, 1952): Lucy and Ethel get jobs as candy wrappers.

3. John-John's Salute (Nov. 25, 1963): Three-year-old John Kennedy Jr. says good-bye to his father, President Kennedy.

4. The Beatles' first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show (Feb. 9, 1964).

5. "Newhart" final episode (May 21, 1990): Bob Newhart awakes on his old series to find he's dreamed the whole show.

6. The final episode of "The Fugitive" (Aug. 29, 1967).

7. The O.J. Simpson Verdict (Oct. 3, 1995).

8. The Wedding of Charles and Diana (July 29, 1981).

9. Bette Serenades Johnny (May 21, 1992): Bette Midler bids Johnny Carson farewell.

10. Elvis's 1968 Comeback Special (Dec. 3, 1968).

- TV Guide