A Book for All Seasons
Bringing a spiritual perspective to daily life
We usually think of the word season as meaning a certain time of year. It originally signified a time in which to sow seed.
If a period of time has passed for wood on a woodpile to dry out, the wood is called seasoned. A seasoned worker has gained valuable insight. Sometimes a senior citizen may be described in that way.
There is a book that's helpful in every circumstance, event, or season. It was written many years ago, but its words are important today. The last chapter of this book contains accounts of healings that people have had, merely by reading it and pondering its message. This proves to me that this book, the Christian Science textbook, is truly seasoned. I find, according to this chapter, "Fruitage," that most of the people got "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by purchasing it. Of the 84 accounts of spiritual healing mentioned, 14 testifiers received the book as a loan, and 15 received it as a gift. One person who was healed hid the book from her kids under the bedcovers at first.
When I was a high-school student, my health wasn't good. I would miss so many days at school that my grades suffered. My parents got me the most up-to-date medical treatment, but it failed to keep me healthy. I was active in my church, and I prayed constantly for better health.
One day I found this book by Mary Baker Eddy in my father's bookcase, and was intrigued with the title. The word Science was linked with the words Health and Scriptures. Just by this, I could tell what the book was about: a scientific method of making me healthy, through a correct understanding of the Bible. I found that I could understand what I read.
After reading Science and Health, I did become healthy. This had been a lifelong goal. My grades also improved. I was even selected to be a speaker at graduation.
Since then I've shared Science and Health with dozens of other people because I wanted them to know what I was learning: how to pray. How to understand God spiritually. How to prove that pain and disease are not real, because God has never created them. How to heal through understanding the law of God - the Science of Christianity - in the way Christ Jesus did.
I've found that there is no particular time or circumstance for giving or receiving this book; it can help anyone who is receptive to its truth or in need of healing. Once a young man doing construction work on my house complained that his arm hurt from a chronic condition, and said he could not continue. I gave him a copy of Science and Health and told him that Christian Science would help. He was immensely pleased and thanked me enthusiastically.
A few minutes after I had done this, a friend whom I had not seen for many years greeted me joyfully. In the course of our conversation, he complained about a chronic pain in his back. I gave him Science and Health, and he, too, was happy to receive it. I told him that if he had any questions, he could call me.
I didn't wait to share Christian Science. The time, or season, presented itself, and I acted on it. The Bible says, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season" (II Tim. 4:2). I was grateful for these opportunities because they show that there is no telling ahead of time who will benefit by reading of spiritual healing, or how someone will come to find it. This also alerted me to be prepared by keeping an extra copy of Science and Health in my car or with my carry-on bag while traveling.
"A Man for All Seasons," a classic movie, described someone who was brave and who could weather the difficulties he had - whose life was an example for all to follow through succeeding generations. Do you like the idea of being such a man or woman? Science and Health, in its forthright language, has weathered over 120 years of history. It explains the Science of Christ completely. It has provided and will continue to provide a model for spiritual living and healing, through giving its readers a better understanding of God.
You can visit the home page of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, at www.tfccs.com.