News In Brief

April 2, 1999

NO NEED TO WONDER ANYMORE The date was Aug. 22, 1953 - a Saturday. Dreaming the sort of dreams that come to the young, Bill Burrows wrote a note: "Will the person who finds this let me know where and when it was picked up?" He added his address, stuffed the note into a glass bottle, sealed it with wax to keep out water, and set it adrift off Barnstable, Mass. He imagined it floating to China, or at least to Europe. Now, fast-forward to last Saturday. A couple on a beach see a bottle in the sand. They open it, read Burrows's note, and decide to comply with his request. He's located through a computer database, confirms that he did indeed launch the bottle, and is amused to learn where it was found - a few hundred yards from where he'd put it into Cape Cod Bay 45-1/2 years earlier.

Groups accepting donations for aid to Kosovo refugees As ethnic-Albanian refugees stream out of Kosovo into neighboring states with little besides what they can carry, international agencies are scrambling to prevent what could be a humanitarian disaster. Here are some of the groups attempting to come to the refugees' assistance and where they can be contacted by persons wishing to contribute to their efforts:

American Refugee Committee 2344 Nicollet Ave. S, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN, 55404 (612) 872-7060

Catholic Relief Services, Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21203- 7090 (800) 736-3467

CARE, 151 Ellis St. NE Atlanta, GA 30303 (800) 521-2273

First Church of Christ, Scientist Balkan Refugee Relief - A52, 175 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115 (800) 288-7155 ext. 3205

Oxfam America, Kosovo Relief Fund, 26 West St. Boston, MA 02111 (800) 77OXFAM

- Associated Press