Evolving away from Darwin

February 15, 2000

Regarding your article "Whose 'science'?" (Feb. 8) examining the history of teaching creationism vs. the theory of evolution in classrooms: The truth is that it is a struggle between modern scientists who want to scrap the outdated Victorian ideology of evolution and those who fanatically defend the failed Darwinian dogma.

Modern scientists and informed laymen have written devastating scientific criticisms of evolution theory in recent years. Many in the scientific community have failed to keep up with latest scientific criticism of the evolution theory, and others are too deeply committed to scientific materialism to give up with out a fight.

A major paradigm shift has begun, but it will take a long bitter struggle before Darwin's theory joins the flat earth theory in the garbage can of obsolete theories.

Dr. Robert J. Graham Naperville, Ill.

Your article "Whose 'science'?" mentions the American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU) threat to sue a teacher who presents the notion of an "intelligent design" in the universe. When will the ACLU finally learn that "separation of Church and State" does not mean "separation of God and State" and that "secular" does not mean "atheistic"?

The misunderstanding of these terms has contributed so tragically to the moral and spiritual decline in our country.

I am not by any means in favor of a radically fundamentalist creationism theory. But while it indeed takes faith to believe in God, it takes even more faith to believe in radical evolutionism.

James Radomski San Bernardino, Calif.

Hillary's got what it takes

Dante Chinni claims in his Feb. 10 opinion piece that "Hillary's problem is Hillary." But that is only half the story. Hillary Rodham Clinton is not a politician, at least not in the sense that we think of a Washington politician.

She is a straight ahead, smart, civil Midwesterner with an Eastern education, and a challenging marriage of 25 years.

It's true that she's not used to begging for campaign contributions for herself and handling all the dirt that the media love to throw at candidates, but those are problems that she can learn to cope with.

Hillary is a person of substance who has strong beliefs and views. As one of the best known and admired people throughout the world, she can represent both New York and the US with distinction. Whether that's enough to get her elected to the US Senate is yet to be seen.

George A. Dean Southport, Conn.

Blue-ribbon dad

I found your Home Forum essay "Father and son submerge and rise" (Feb. 4) very close to home. My daughter chose a topic for a science fair I had studied myself in college. I directed research reading for my daughter but I insisted I wouldn't help her if she couldn't explain the basics of her research project.

Because of the hazardous materials involved in the project, I performed the actual laboratory work, and my daughter recorded all the pertinent data.

The issue turned out to be helping my daughter learn and apply critical thinking skills versus doing the project for her. As it turned out, she was heavily quizzed on the project and research done. She defended her work and the results as I might have in completing a senior thesis in college, or graduate school.

She got a first place ribbon at the fair, and I guess, I got first place as a dad. This was one of the best experiences I have had as a parent with my oldest child.

Michael J. Reeves Sacramento, Calif.

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