Web Smarts

September 26, 2000

www.booksatoz.com/censorship/banned.htm What:

A "Banned Books and Censorship" site with resources and links that address book banning in the United States and around the world.


The site features lists of books that are commonly challenged and information on why there is censorship and where it's happening.

There are also links to Web discussions on censorship around the world, as well as articles on book banning and how censorship could affect Web content. One section has quotes that support free speech: "I never knew a girl who was ruined by a book" (James Walker). "There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance" (Goethe).

"Banned Books, buy References" offers more sites that discuss and sell material often viewed as politically, scientifically, or religiously incorrect. Here you can also find reader comments and articles on recent incidents of censorship.


The site is a strong advocate of the First Amendment. It is sponsored by Books A to Z, which provides services to small publishers.

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