US Attorney General Ramsey Clark

November 2, 2000

Ramsey Clark headed the United States Department of Justice from 1967 to '69. Mr. Clark spearheaded programs in prison reform and antitrust enforcement. But it was civil rights that truly shaped his career.

Before becoming attorney general, the University of Chicago Law School grad helped draft the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a cornerstone of civil rights legislation. Later, he led the presidential commission studying the 1965 Watts race riots in Los Angeles.

Today, Clark challenges US policies at home and abroad. After the Gulf War, he wrote "The Fire This Time" (Thunder's Mouth Press, 1992), alleging US war crimes in Iraq.

He has represented the Branch Davidians, who sued the federal government for its role in the 1993 fire that destroyed their Waco, Texas, compound.

He's also an advocate for Lori Berenson, an American woman being held in a Peruvian prison since 1995 for allegedly supporting the Maoist Tupac Amaru movement there. She has become a human-rights cause celebre well-suited to Clark's high-profile representation.

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