March 20, 2001

LET THEM EAT HORSE? The Monitor's Peter Ford has a reputation for gastronomic adventurism. "I'll happily eat anything once," he says. And Peter was tempted to buy a horsemeat fillet from one of the butchers he interviewed for today's story (page 1), but was discouraged from doing so by his children. "They were predictably revolted by the idea, especially since they are going on a riding holiday this summer," says Peter. Asked why he ate beef but wouldn't eat horsemeat, Peter's 10-year-old son acknowledged that "cows are nice enough. But you can't really have fun with them."

IN SEARCH OF BUDDHAS: For a journalist, there is always a fine line between shopping for anecdotes and just plain old shopping. Scott Baldauf's story today on finding Buddhas in Peshawar, Pakistan, blurred that line even more (page 1). "I had come to find out if Buddhas were coming into Pakistan in greater numbers because of the Taliban decree," says Scott. "But I'm also an incurable antique hound, and walking into shop after shop felt like stumbling into a flea market and finding Michelangelo's 'David' for sale. Buying and selling ancient Buddhas is not against the law in Pakistan. But bringing them into and out of the country is heavily restricted. So I looked, I touched, and I thanked the shopkeeper for the experience.

- David Clark Scott World Editor

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Try MILOSEVIC: A majority of people in Serbia say that former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic should be tried by the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague, a poll showed Monday. Forty-six percent of those polled say Mr. Milosevic should be extradited, while 32 percent were opposed, and 22 were undecided.

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