Blueprints from the great architect
Originally printed as an editorial in the Christian Science Sentinel
The Empire State Building - over 1,200 feet high. Once the tallest building in the world, it has now been surpassed by taller and more complex structures. Today we build in space!
What makes such accomplishments possible?
Design. Could you imagine a big edifice being built without design, without plans, without guidelines? If we tried, we'd soon discover that it just can't be done. Design is key to success in building anything.
What about the design of our universe - with its incredible beauty and complexity - and the design that supports our own life? Where do these come from?
Through the centuries many people have wondered about such things. Some have looked for answers beyond the realm of a physical universe. Major religions of the world have perceived what they have called a divine plan.
The Bible records the lives of people who had such a vision. For example, about 4,000 years ago, a man named Abraham gained the conviction that the creator of the universe is the very source of our being, and is unfolding life according to His design. As a result, Abraham trusted the divine plan, and that enabled him to prosper in every facet of his life.
We can all move forward in life with the realization of the grand design of God - a design that includes each one of us - and that must be in accord with His very nature, and which manifests the goodness that is the expression of His infinite Love, the intelligence and wisdom that characterize the divine Mind, and the reliability and ever-presence of the divine Principle.
Mary Baker Eddy, who founded this newspaper, wrote, "Mind is the architect that builds its own idea, and produces all harmony that appears" ("Miscellaneous Writings," pg. 41).
Whenever we're faced with a challenge - be it a health problem, a financial difficulty, a relationship problem - we can ask ourselves: "Is this part of God's plan? Is this in accord with His design of the universe? Does it correspond with the nature of God, the great architect?"
It is obvious that suffering could not possibly be part of the grand design of God. Therefore it has no place in God's creation, and no place in our life.
Since there is only one creation, and it reflects God's goodness, intelligence, and harmony, there is no power that could produce another reality - disease, poverty, pain, sorrow.
When thoughts come our way saying, "You are sick, and it could be dangerous; you are growing old, so you can't expect to be completely healthy; you are afraid, because things might not work out for you," we can immediately think instead, "This is not in accord with God's plan - sickness does not express the vitality and strength of divine Life; this is not in accord with God's blueprint of His universe - for the life God gives me forever manifests freshness and beauty. God has not planned for me fear, or slavery of any kind, but has given me the joy of knowing His ever-presence and His infinite Love."
There is great freedom in understanding the design and plan of the great architect. God's plan is defined in the Bible in these terms: "I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end" (Jer. 29:11).
Cherishing this understanding, we can expect that whatever we do, whatever we experience, whatever is awaiting us, has to be in conformity with the divine design. And we can remind ourselves that we are always included in God's plan.
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.... For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Hebrews 11:8, 10
(c) Copyright 2001. The Christian Science Monitor