The job search
Bringing a spiritual perspective to daily life
The telephone company came out recently to bury a new line they had installed. Before they could dig, though, they had to find out where two or three other electric lines were buried in the yard.
One of the men took two thick copper wires bent in the middle to a form a right angle, and, holding a wire in each hand, he walked across the lawn. The copper wires were pointing in front of him. As he walked over the places where the electric lines were, the two copper wires moved in his hand 90 degrees until they were parallel with each other.
A little digging proved that he had located the two electric lines accurately. I watched him do this several times. He explained that it had something to do with static electricity, and I'll have to take his word for it.
When searching for a job, wouldn't it be nice if it could be that simple to figure out where to send out a resume or whom to speak to?
But something a lot more potent than static electricity is needed.
Our way is much easier when we wake up to God's spiritual direction and guidance. Today, people are finding that the same provision of divine intelligence and love that guided Moses and the children of Israel through the wilderness is still present to guide and provide for us in our own journey. God doesn't care for some and neglect others. Divine Spirit provides for all equally and continues to do so now.
Many times, the children of Israel forgot or doubted God's powerful and caring presence, and whenever they did this, they were depressed and afraid. This mental state blinded them to the help and direction God was and is always providing. They were fortunate to have a Moses in their midst to take them through these rough patches.
With their experience before us, we have every reason to believe that the divine guidance and provision we need is available as well. The key is to seek it. Fundamental for us, as for the children of Israel, is to gain a fuller sense of God and of God's certain love.
Often a limited understanding of God limits our life experience. Knowing our need for a larger understanding of God, Monitor founder Mary Baker Eddy wrote: "God is All-in-all. Hence He is in Himself only, in His own nature and character, and is perfect being, or consciousness. He is all the Life and Mind there is or can be. Within Himself is every embodiment of Life and Mind." You may recall that Paul told the Athenians, "In him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). So our life is in Him, provided by Him, nurtured by Him, animated by Him, supported by Him.
Continuing, Mrs. Eddy writes, "Now this self-same God is our helper. He pities us. He has mercy upon us, and guides every event of our careers. He is near to them who adore Him" ("Unity of Good," pg. 3). If we adore God, put Him front and center in our lives, we will feel more of God's nearness to us and will be conscious of His direction and guidance.
The same love that guided the children of Israel out of a very difficult situation into one bursting with evidence of God's care, is guiding everyone through the wilderness of unemployment. If we seek this guidance, and acknowledge God's ability to guide and provide for every idea in His creation, we'll find more blessings than we ever imagined.
There is a divine intelligence leading us to where we are most needed. God has a purpose for us all, and none of us can be in isolation. Never forget, you may be the answer to someone's prayer. Isn't it natural for divine intelligence to bring you and the person who needs you together?
Be strong and of a
good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:
for the Lord thy God
is with thee whithersoever
thou goest.
Joshua 1:9